A blog post of mine in Freaky Creations web site in 2015 with an alternative story a bit different from what was released. Anyways, here it is:

To Leave is a game of hard challenges and surprises, each level is an experience connected directly with the human being, and a part that reinforce that experience is the audio.

We evolve from the typical loops with conventional music and sounds, to the possibility of making our own sounds from its atomic structure, that´s like feeling like a God, isn’t it? 🙂  It feels almost indescribable pleasure when the ambiance sounds are created and introduced in the game, an ambiance surrounded by those dreamy elements and the music intended for she who controls everything and is everything in the world of To Leave.

From the skirts of Your Highness to the top of her terrifying truth, Pyre, as the Queen and Goddess that she is, plans everything, she cheats you, she creates those beautiful melodies that you hear in her insides, she is the harmonic muse that goes with you in your great life, in your great and false life.

Suddenly you see her like she really is, the huge, hungry and obnoxious being, you feel her stench and the movement of her bowels asking for you, with their sounds of desperation that create fury, melancholy, confusion, and other undesired feelings of which you want to escape, but you don’t know if you will do it.

You start to listen those metallic sounds, things that your ears never had experienced before, the oxide resonates in your head, the smoke and fire surrounds you, and suddenly falls in you a heavy roar that makes everything heavier, and nevertheless you continue in your fighting against the rotten thickness of the real Pyre, you had left behind the melodies and harmonies of your enclosed life when the Inferno was inside you, and now it has expressed in the shrieking of the friction of machinery, engines, steam, fire, flesh.

But, at the end, you must hold it, you are a unique melody too, your passion harmonizes with your actions, and the glimmers of hope can be heard like the glow of the stars that resonates very depth in your true being, you feel nostalgia of your past life, and in the space of your being the lyres plays in unison with the celestial orchestra of your motivation. Come on, let´s go from here, sounds, those are the sounds, the sounds of hope.

The Goddess doesn’t only stun you with her sounds, you can overcome her with yours, if you are a musician use a synthesizer and experiment, if you are a programmer use a synthesizer and experiment 🙂 , and you will make a fusion of art and science very interesting.

See you next time.